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Montréal’s participatory budget: 2nd edition


It’s time to pick your projects!


Until October 29, you can vote for the projects that you would like to see the city realize as part of this second edition of Montréal’s participatory budget. 

Projects submitted for voting have been selected among the 666 ideas submitted by the population during the fall of 2022 in accordance with the themes of this second edition, which are youth, equity and safety. 

The winning projects will be those  with the highest number of votes, so long as they can be realized within the $30 M budget set for this purpose, including at least $5 M earmarked for projects intended for the city’s youth. 

You may choose at most 8 projects among the 31 proposed. 

The winning projects will be announced by mid-november.

Who can vote? All Montrealers who are at least 12 years old and who live in Montréal, as well as all business owners in the city.

What is a participatory budget? It is a democratic process whereby the population can decide how a portion of the municipal budget is to be used, by proposing ideas for municipal equipment or developments, and then voting for those projects that you would like to see the city realize.